Discover how we collaborated with one of the UK’s largest transportation, logistics, and supply chain companies to address a crucial challenge: streamlining customer acquisition and onboarding processes through enhanced visibility and accessibility to track the progress and status of potential leads.


Customer Challenges:

The manual processes for managing presales, sales, and onboarding posed significant customer challenges. The recruitment team faced difficulties in visually accessing a comprehensive view of appointments with potential leads and tracking their statuses. Moreover, potential leads’ limited access to the system prevented them from triggering sales sequence actions and tracking their progress, further complicating the process.


eligarf's Solution:

We pioneered a customised application with a multifaceted approach to address these challenges. This solution streamlined the visualisation and calendaring of sales sequence activities while automating business workflows. Additionally, it offered a secure custom web platform for potential leads to initiate sales actions externally. Furthermore, seamless integration with the FreshSales suite optimised customer acquisition and onboarding processes.

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Customer Benefits:

  • Enhanced Visibility: A clear view of sales activities on a calendar aided recruiters in making informed decisions. 
  • Improved Accessibility: A secure online platform lets leads initiate sales actions and monitor progress, boosting engagement. 
  • Streamlined Processes: Integration with the FreshSales suite smoothed customer acquisition, slashing manual work for better efficiency. 
  • Effective Collaboration: Feature-packed web app fosters teamwork between recruitment, sales, and stakeholders, bolstering communication and coordination.

For those seeking a detailed understanding of this success story, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Explore the future of supplier qualification with eligarf – where innovation meets efficiency.